Share Your Treasure
We understand that not everyone can financially give, or has the ability to give gifts-in-kind. We greatly appreciate those that are able to give when they help support God's ministry at Christ the King. As a non-profit organization all gifts are tax deductable.
There are many things you could give to help our ministries, but here are a few ideas:
- Vehicles for on site use.
- Golf carts, trucks, tractors, cars, ect.
- Program supplies for youth programs
- Duct tape, balloons, streamers, thematic decorations, costumes, sports equipment, etc.
- Craft supplies for youth programs
- yarn, glue, paint, etc.
Capital Giving Projects
If you are planning to give financially here are some of the big projects we plan for our future:
- Inside gymnasium for youth programs in inclement weather.
- Heating improvements for some lodging spaces for better year round hospitality.
We are looking for 100 donors to commit to set up a monthly recurring donation of at least $100 per month. Imagine what that ongoing support could do! That would be a source of $10,000 per month or $120,000 per year for the center! For close to a price of a monthly dinner at a restaurant you can help sustain the ongoing ministries at Christ the King and help us grow and thrive.
As a member of the CTK100 you will recieve a special gift and be invited to a CTK100 BBQ in the late summer.
We know not everyone can give $100 per month, so please know that any gift, no mater the size, is appreciated and needed and we thank everyone for their generosity and prayer.
You can make a donation by clicking the "DONATE NOW" button at the bottom of this page.
The Welcome Home Initiative© ministers healing for military veterans who have served their country in combat or any other service context that has caused suffering in varying degrees from post-traumatic stress or moral injury, and are in need of soul repair.
Our program helps veterans and spouses understand the hidden impact of combat and trauma, and provides a safe place for emotional healing. This essential spiritual and emotional healing is a complement to healing received from psychiatric and social services.
Click the button below and use the drop down option to select Welcome Home Initiative to help scholarship a veteran.
At Beaver Cross Camp many campers can attend ONLY because they recieved a scholarship. Please consider donating to our scholarship program.
Donate Today
To make a donation to Christ the King Center click the button below or mail a check to Christ the King Center, 575 Burton Road, Greenwich, NY 12834. Be sure to indicate in the memo if you wish to support a specific ministry.
Press the green buttons below to see other ways you can partner with us.
For more general information on partnering with us click the button below.