We Are All In Need Of Healing
If you are in need of prayer, we would love to pray with you. Please call 518-692-9550 Ext. 214.
The power of prayer can have a remarkable transformative effects on us. In fact, recent scientific studies have confirmed what we’ve known all along: that prayer can alleviate stress and mend bodies and souls. Many people have found solace through prayer at Christ the King, from widows, first responders and vets struggling with PTS to alcoholics, drug addicts, victims of abuse, people dealing with anxiety or depression, even clergy suffering from burnout.
Our Healing Ministry provides a weekly healing service, private prayer appointments, veterans’ ministry, personal retreats, seminars, intercessory prayer, and quarterly Days of Quiet and Healing.
Healing Service
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.
Advent Lessons & Carols Service
Tuesday at 10 AM December 17 -
Seamless Bible Study
Tuesdays at 1pm Jan 7 - Feb 18 -
Developing Your Rule of Life
January 24-25, 2025 -
Be: A Silent Retreat
February 6-9, 2025 -
Sonshine: Winter Youth Retreat
February 14-17, 2025